Sunday, July 19, 2009


We made it to Jerusalem, it took awhile longer since we were pulled over twice by the police making sure everything was on the up and up (It was Shabbat). We were dropped off at the Damasks Gate and made our way to our Bed and Breakfast to drop off our luggage, Tyler was a trooper he carried both our bags as I still can't put a lot of weight on my ankle.

We turned right around and made our way back to where we were dropped off (our walk to the Old City is about 5 minutes!!) and headed to the Rockefeller Museum, which has a lot of pottery throughout the different ages. As soon as we walk in Tyler runs into a guy he knows at Trinity who is also on an archeological dig in Israel this summer!

After the museum, we went to another museum, The Israel Museum, where they had a layout of the Old City in the time of Jesus, it was so cool to see the sites we read about and to visualize the whole city of Jerusalem.

Model of the city of Jerusalem at the Israel Museum.

After the Museums we ventured into Old City, the Muslims Quarters, and wow, it was nothing like we thought it would be, it was a market place full of cheap items ranging from candy stores to home appliances. It was crowded and a tad overwhelming.
We walked through the Muslim quarters to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
It was really neat, because there was a service going on at the time we were touring. It made the experience all the more authentic.

After we finished with the church, it was time to find our way back out, have dinner and head back to our B&B. For the first day it was a busy one, but after a good night's rest we are ready for another one! Today we are spending the whole day touring around the Old City!

1 comment:

  1. Been praying that you are doing O.K. Good to see via the internet that you are! Now you are walking where Jesus walked. I have had opportunity to talk to good peple who are lost the last couple of days and I truly believe there will be more lost "good" people in Hell than lost "bad" pople! So sad! When I ask "Do you know how to get to Heaven?" I find out right then - that very few people "really" know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior - they know about Him - but do not really "know" Him! If they die and go to Hell they can "never" say" they "never" heard! May our aim in life be to encourage Christians and point the lost to Jesus. Keep safe - we will keep praying for you ! Love you !! Grandma and Grandpa
